Monday, November 26, 2007

Myanmar #2

Nov. 26 (second time), 2007

We are on our way back to Yangon after visiting three orphanages. It’s 3:30 in the afternoon right now. It’s very warm, probably close to 90 degrees out. We’re in a 11-passenger van if you only count the regular seats. There’s two seats that fold down and block off the passage to the back after everyone’s in, so that gets the total up to 13 seats. There may even be a couple other fold down seats I don’t know about in here somewhere.

We broke up into two teams today. Abba, Chashaq, Chasah and I were on a team with Tim and Chuck, both from PA and about my age, and Bebo, which is what David calls his daughter Elisabeth.

It’s very easy to get your heart completely stolen while you’re there. We asked before we left about how to act around the children. Do we shake their hands, hug them, what? We were told that it’s best to watch. Sometimes the children will hug you, and then it’s certainly okay to hug them back. What we didn’t know to ask, but we do know now, is what do you do if they grab your hands, worm their way under your arms, surround you, wrap their arms around you and stick with you wherever you go.

Actually, at the first orphanage, the children were a little more reserved than that. We had a very inexperienced crew, and we learned how to play games with that many children at the first one. We handed out presents, many sent by some of you, and gave them candy. At the 2nd and 3rd orphanages the children were just as affectionate as I described. One young lady, Ting Sui, gave me a bracelet, and whole groups of them won our hearts so much it was painful to leave. The games were much better, too, because we learned at the first one. Hot potato worked real well. Like the Mercy Home children, they are really good sports.

At the third orphanage, Chasah taught them to dance the grapevine. Abba played his _Rejoice, O Israel_ song. It was very fun. Then we played Hot Potato, too, and gave them their gifts. It’s so fun to be with them that when we leave, I pull the window open and we slap hands and say bye all the way out the gate.

Uh, that’s it for this update. Nothing more to tell except that we sang a little in the van on the way back (we’re still on the way back) and Bebo can really sing, but Chuck, uh, doesn’t sing as well as Bebo. He belts it out, though, and he’s a joy to be around. Very cheerful, enjoyable man.

Much love!



Bethlehem said...

Oh how I miss you all! And feel so jealous of the time you are having! Thank you for the great updates and for just being who you are Shammah. It's good that you don't worry about getting into heaven anymore, 'cause it's really needless. You have a whole slew of friends vouching for you, and if God is as good as I believe Him to be, he'll agree with us.:)I loved picturing Chashaq drinking a big gulp on the other side of the world. Hugs to all! Beth

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the compliment! :-D